Thursday, January 24, 2008

Ray of Hope

I received this from a friend..............

In the midst of the hopelessness that we have watched helplessly, there are rays of hope. This morning at a meeting, a friend who is Kikuyu but was born and brought up in Lugari (an area where the Kalenjin and several dialects of Luhya are dominant and borders Eldoret), shared with us a story that I wish could be heard on national radio and TV as we have only been treated to the negative aspects. After the major eruption of violence on Dec 30, his mother's two buildings including the granary with the year's produce was burned and her 8 cattle and 20 goats stolen. This was horrifying as she had always been assimilated into that community though she is of a diffrent tribe.

Their local MP, Hon. Cyrus Jirongo who was voted in the small KADDU party, however decided to give leadership to his constituents. He put away his limousine and rode a bicycle to every village speaking to the people and showing them the folly of what they had done. They took the cue! They invited back the Kikuyu lady (as well as others who had been chased away) and different members of the community, in remorse and as a sign of their repentance, took their own produce and animals and restored what the lady had lost!

This is the only way for Kenya to heal back into a nation after the divisions we have seen! We need more of these kinds of transformational leaders!

1 comment:

Professor Howdy said...

Thanks for your visit. What are you doing in Afghanistan???