Friday, January 18, 2008

Playing hard to get......

If you thought this phenomenon was a thing of the past, think again. I have received numerous complaints from guys who wonder why the girls play hard to get and act disinterested and yet they are. The girls on the other hand, enjoy the attention of an interested guy and wonder why after a while he looses interest in her, when she is trying to be mysterious.....

The art of playing hard to get is a more or less natural fall back of the primitive ways of our ancestors (females), who when a simple hair compliment was thrown her way would run all the way home and lock herself up until the guy came and proposed at her door literally begging.......maybe i have exaggerated a wee-bit.

The sense of mystery or unfamiliarity brings a natural thrill of "the chase". Look at it this way- you’re the owner of a luxurious brand who wants to confer an image of superior quality to a buyer. You are not going to achieve this by using “open house," or "I’m desperate, I will take anyone". On the contrary, you are aware that your brand is off the hook and so you make it look like its the buyer missing out on it...

So we see that self-awareness is key. Why you behave the way you behave, why you fear what you fear, why you believe what you believe and do what you do etc. You need to have a degree of unpredictability. Not to be too rigid or controlling, desperate or too eager. An individual who is going to chase you wants to be almost certain that you are worth every stride. To be sure that they are pursuing what is only offered to the privileged few and not what they can easily get on the street corner.

PS: Playing hard to get, done the right way, can be the most powerful form of seduction there is!
PPS:::: i did not encourage you...:-)

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