Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Alone not Lonely.....

Aloneness is a state of i am alone typing away on the computer, there is no one here with me. Loneliness on the other hand is a state of mind. Loneliness manifests itself in feelings like sad, unwanted, disliked.....etc.

The degree of sadness that the individual feels may vary. When one sits in a crowded room, one is not "alone", but one can still feel "lonely" because loneliness has nothing to do with physical proximity with other people. When one is "alone", one needn't feel lonely.

Because feeling lonely may have dire consequences, the worst of which is suicide, steps need to be taken to keep the feeling at bay:

Find a hobby, if you already don't have one.... Join a book club, or get into a sport...don't be idle and wallow in a miasma of despair....

Secondly, live in the real world....its pretty easy to fantasize about the perfect life from TV, movies n the like....but the imaginary world is very different from the real world...

Another thing, no one can "complete you". Even after marriage to Mr. or Miss perfect, they won't always
meet all of your emotional needs. You alone can satisfy urself with good things, good thoughts and thus be less expectant of others to do it for you....

Point to are not the only person feeling lonely, it's said that 25% of the people around you are also feeling that way so make the first step.........


Anonymous said...

I think you are alone when you have no one to relate to or everything in your environment is strange,unwelcoming or even unfriendly... you get '...i wish i was home" kinda feeling..
But loneliness is need to get intimate with someone or a desire for attention... Its a luvy duvy feeling and its mostly directed towards some object of desire..
Id be lonely if i had a porsche and i gave it out for even an hr... for a day... id be totally ALONE!!!

Cool - Vybes said...

lol....a porsche for real? i probably might react the same way if my phone wat taken......NOT....