Friday, March 20, 2009

Why I Love thee......

You ask me why I love thee
its not because you are intelligent or dandy
Why do I love you?
it's not because you are a lawyer and can sue
I love you not because of your ambition
or even because of your attraction
Neither because of your beautiful eyes
Nor because of your attractive size
Not because you have a job and earn
Not because of the ease in which you learn
I love you not because you have a car
Or even because you have the cheddar
I love you with no conditions, judgments or criticism
I love you with no inhibitions and lots of optimism
So you ask why I love thee?
I say because I love thee.


Anonymous said...

Ni nini hii! not because mingi. love is part of your make up, a nature you have because you are God's image. His reflection. This nature manifests itself as kindness, patience etc (I Cor 13). You can't help it but love him and its your lovers unique make up that draws you to him and you cannot deny that. Check out how the lovers in songs of solomon celebrate each other.that is what we must do, demystify and celebrate him

Cool - Vybes said...

Tru dat!!!....i see you have clearly discovered!