Thursday, January 7, 2010

Dare to Dream

Great hope he had for his life when he awoke
Out of the abundance of his heart he spoke
He looked at his feet that were oh so lifeless
His heart sunk but he never for a moment was hopeless

Lying on the bed helpless would not be for long
He would get up and sing and jump in song
He would bend his knees and wobble his toes
wash his face and clean his nose

How he saw himself playing with the little one
Running, cycling, laughing and having fun
there he was driving his dream car
cruising at high speeds to impress her

Basketball was the sport he played
Shooting 3 pointers his team never dismayed
the fact that he was bedridden didn't hinder him
all night and day he dared to dream

1 comment:

Phace Rangu said...

That's abs. Inspirin'....Kudos..!!