Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Beautiful sound

Close your eyes
Make everything in the world dark
Listen to the chirping of the birds
Hum their tune
listen to the harp being played skillfully
Keep your eyes closed and concentrate
You will hear it
Just listen.

Sway real slowly to the left and the right
listen to the wind howl
Let the sweet sound make you rock
listen to the flute blow a tune
Its making your heart beat
Listen to the saxaphone
Don't open your eyes yet
Just listen.

Take in the woodpecker pecking
let the beat flow to your feet
Stamp softly to the rhythm
Listen to the drums roll
the heart rate is faster now.
Let the smile on your face form
your fingers itch to tap, let them
Almost there
Just listen

a song begins to form
the song of your heart
the song that makes the world a better place
like a million rain drops falling from a blue sky
like the best kept secret in this generation
A beautiful song
A beautiful sound.
Open your eyes
And listen.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

i did try to make everything in the world dark after closing my eyes, but i could not. A bright light kept shining through. i did listen though, how sweet the sound was, how sweet the song. did not want to open my eyes, but life had to continue....

Gee, this poem is awesome.