The nudge is strongly felt by the eaglet as her mother tries kicking her out of the nest.....ok not kicking out, excuse me. As her mother tries helping her grow to a mature eaglet who fends for herself.
The eaglet though little, has already grown the wings for flight. All she needs to do is to take the first leap and fly into the open sky. She is scared. Perhaps terrified. Though she will be known as the queen of the sky for her fierceness, she is apprehensive of the uncertainties that lay ahead.
She trips on the edge of the nest and almost falls. She quickly grabs hold of some twigs with her grown talons. The mother nods her head in despair. When will the daughter begin to fly she wonders? She nostalgically remembers her first flight. She was forcefully pecked (not kissed because birds have beaks- so this is painful) by her mother on her head repeatedly until she took it no more and fell off the nest. Then in a panic she lifted her wings and the wind lifted her off the ground as if in response to her wish.
Her daughter still in the nest is undecided. But the mother is patient; she won't force her to leave if she is not ready to. She won't result to pecking on the head as was done to her. She will gently nudge.
Then one day the eaglet looks over the nest for the very first time. Maybe in anticipation, maybe in fear. She decides that her time has come to take the first leap. She tries to stretch her wings but the nest constrains her. She takes one step forward toward the edge of the nest. Her mother looks on, tears beginning to fall on her cheeks (or whatever it is birds have). The eaglet looks back at her mother. She searches for reassurance. The mother whispers that everything will be ok.
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Moving out.......
Monday, March 10, 2008
Paradigm Shift........
Waiting ... still waiting. Days have come and gone. Weeks, Months, almost a year now. She waits patiently for the day that it will all happen. Hanging on the last sea weed for what she has known as her life. She inquires. She probes. She requests. She begins to think that she is nagging and begging. She stops. Gives up. Let's go of her hold in life- the sea weed.
In despair, she gasps for air. The water fills her lungs. She does not want to go down this way. The eyes sting when she tries to open them to see how far down she has gone. There is something else falling with her. Her hands grope around to feel what it is. OUCH.....maybe a sting. Hopefully not fatal. She reaches out more cautiously. Just to feel it. She touches it and recoils waiting to feel another sting. No pain. She touches again. It’s rough. Not as hard as a rock though. Slowly moving toward the object filled with mixed emotions. She is scared but exhilarated. She reaches out again. It's not there. She must have moved in the wrong direction she believes.
After a few more tries of identifying the mysterious object, she gives up and so do her lungs. She collapses in a tiny heap on the sea bed. She was so close yet so far. She could have found the object but she did not.
The waters frown at the face of death taking its toll on weary beings. However death does not blame itself.” It’s not my fault that hope was lost", it says. The waters tremble as if breathing heavily. Gradually lifting the heap from the bottom of the sea. Now it feels like it’s a storm brewing. The body has been spat out of the water and onto the land.
All along the sea weed was on the edge of the land. The sea weed was a branch that sprouted from the rocks. The girl coughs and spits to remove the water within her. She opens her eyes. The bright light causes her to squint. Its day break and she is alive. Out of the water and onto the land. She looks behind her and sees the sea weed. Her sea weed. While holding on to the sea weed her back was turned to the land. She dint see it. But she is glad the water did.
Standing shakily she decides to take steps forward. Steps of faith. Not knowing what lies in the land she was thrown into, but knowing there is hope. She is not drowning any more.